Can Amateur Radio
Operators Do?
Ham radio operators use two-way radio stations from their homes, cars, boats
and outdoors to make hundreds of friends around town and around the world.
They communicate with each other using voice, computers, and Morse code.
Some hams bounce their signals off the upper regions of the atmosphere, so
they can talk with hams on the other side of the world. Other hams use
satellites. Many use hand-held radios that fit in their pockets.Hams
exchange pictures of each other using television. Some also like to work on
electronic circuits, building their own radios and antennas. A few pioneers
in Amateur Radio have even contributed to advances in technology that we all
enjoy today. There are even ham-astronauts who take radios with them on
space shuttle missions and thrill thousands of hams on earth with a call
from space!
Using even the simplest of radio setups
and antennas, amateurs communicate with each other for fun, during
emergencies, and even in contests. They handle messages for police and
other public service organizations during all kinds of emergencies
- Hurricanes
- Earthquakes
- Tornadoes and floods
- Motorist accidents
- Fires and chemical spills
- Search and rescues